Vistas and Wildflowers: Hiking Cone Peak/Iron Mountain
Generally I try to avoid high traffic areas during their peak usage. Iron Mountain is world renown for it's impressive collect of wildflowers. Being that the only time to see the wildflowers is during the time of peak use, I opted to hike on a Monday. Though the wildflowers were slightly passed their peak it was still incredible. Having a vague idea of where I wanted to hike, I stopped by the Sweet Home Ranger Station, Isabel Fish was very helpful. She gave me a map of the area trails and a booklet on some of the wildflowers growing along the trail. Deciding that I wanted to hike out of Tombstone Pass I set out for the trailhead. Turn off for the Tombstone Pass trailhead Not sure of what the trail was like in either direction I opted to hike toward Cone Peak first, saving the wildflowers of Iron Mountain for last. The trail starts out just passed a large fairly new sign, area maps are located in the box there. The beginning of the Cone Peak Trail The trail d...